Having the right retail technology can give you a big competitive edge.

Problem is, there’s a lot to choose from.

The list of available apps, add-ons, platforms and subscriptions grows every day. It can be incredibly difficult to know which ones you really need to be successful.

Many brands and retailers are asking:

  • What retail technology trends should we be prioritizing?
  • Where should we invest now?
  • Which retail technology investments make the most sense for our business today?
  • Where would we be better served taking a “wait and see” approach?

If you want to gain as much profit potential as possible out of your retail technology, it’s important to choose the solutions that make the most sense for your business and its unique needs — before you overspend on tools you can’t use or don’t really need.

Forrester’s latest report will help you do just that.

In The Top Retail Technology Investments in 2019, researchers explore today’s hottest trends. The e-commerce experts at Forrester examined 18 different types of technologies and how they’re being used by various industry professionals. 

If you find yourself relating to even just one of the questions above, this report is for you. It covers the full span of advancements and innovations available to brands and retailers today, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to omnichannel options, smart speaker apps and dozens of other buzzworthy tech tools.

Download it now to discover: 

  • Which technology investments are truly “hot” among brands and retailers right now
  • What tech tools are on your competitors’ radar and likely to be adopted soon
  • Which apps and options are generating more buzz than actual adoption