The peak holiday shopping season is here. With the rise of third-party (3P) commerce, the ability to quickly expand and optimize marketplace presence has become crucial for seller success. Artificial technology (AI) gives sellers flexibility and speed during the fast-paced shopping season. Here is how Rithum’s AI Magic Mapper can help brands automate categorization on marketplaces in time to meet increased consumer demand.

In a recent test, AI Magic Mapper achieved up to 99% accuracy in category recommendations for a clothing and apparel brand. The tool processed approximately 14,000 products in minutes, a task that previously took hours.

This level of efficiency could be a game-changer for brands looking to expand their reach during the critical holiday selling period. Other capabilities include:

Fast channel expansion to sell on multiple marketplaces

Brands need to reduce their time-to-site across multiple marketplaces without sacrificing accuracy during increased consumer demand. AI Magic Mapper allows brands to select their target channels and associate product assortments using predefined labels. The AI then automatically categorizes products. This turns hours of spreadsheet work into a minutes-long process.

Efficient processing and validation

While processing times depend on catalog size, ongoing enhancements are focused on expediting this for catalogs ranging from thousands to millions of SKUs. Categories are suggested and reviewed to ensure that each product meets requirements.

Agile refinement

The tool provides a detailed view of recommended categories. This allows brands to conduct quick spot-checks and refinements where needed. This feature ensures that each product is optimally positioned for holiday shoppers. Brands can quickly pivot and adjust based on seasonal trends or promotional strategies.

AI Magic Mapper allows brands to approach the peak holiday selling season with speed and efficiency. By automating critical processes and providing intelligent insights, this tool empowers e-commerce businesses to diversify their marketplace strategy and increase their speed to site.

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